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“Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen.”

~ Deep Roy


“Don’t talk, just act.  Don’t say, just show.  Don’t promise, just prove.”

~ Unknown


“Eventually all things fall into place.   Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason.”

~ Albert Schwetizer


Together with the leadership of David Barnes, the Barnes Management Group has flourished in a unique way to provide consulting services.  With Associates across the province working in a collective, collaborative structure that values everyone’s experience, BMG is a consulting service that enhances the expertise and experience of the client.

BMG’s unique group of skilled and experienced Associates provide tools and processes to navigate through complex challenges and arrive at solutions for successful and sustainable outcomes.

BMG is happening!   The brilliant idea of a ‘different way to do business’ has been about making it happen.  Good things just keep happening. Managing Directors are in place, the Associate pool is growing, service steams are operating, multiple projects are taking place!   BMG is the bridge to solutions, co-design and co-creative solutions are a priority, leadership is shared, engagement is authentic, growth and capacity are inevitable.

BMG is the good thing that can happen to your projects!

Written by Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant


Photo Copyright: Stuart Miles, 123rf


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