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It is what it is!


What comes, when it comes, will be what it is.

~ Alberto Caeiro


It is what it is, it is what you make it.

~ James Durbin


Life is as it is, we take it to be hard or easy.   It’s all about our perception, attitude and level of gratitude.

~ Geraldine Vermaak


I think I am well known for saying ‘it is what it is.’  For me it is often a shield while I find better words and gathered more intelligence.  In a leadership position we don’t always have the answers but it is a leadership responsibility to imagine, create, resource, acknowledge and look after the answers!

When you accept leadership you accept a wide range of circumstances.  There will be moments when you need a safeguard.   If nothing else ‘it is what it is’ is an answer in the moment only if you make a commitment to find solutions with the right answers.   It’s critical to acknowledge questions or opinions that might not have nor need an instant answer.   An expression of acceptance and acknowledgment goes a long way when you are also consistently showing your readiness to forge ahead and find the answers.

In the face of change, uncertainty and high anxiety a trustworthy and consistent leader can calm all situations and circumstances.   Such steady leadership creates an environment of gratitude.

At BMG we know and feel the anxiety of change!  We also know that with the steady, trustworthy, consistent leadership of BMG, it is what it is!   We hope you get the chance to let us show you that genuine attitude.  We hope you partner with our associates to make your change all it can be.


Written by Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant


Photo Copyright:  www.123rf.com, christianchan

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