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A Different Kind of Change


“All the art of living lies in a fine mingle of letting go and holding on.”

            ~ Havelock Ellis


“Once we let go of the things that don’t matter, we are free to pursue all the things that really do matter.”

            ~ Joshua Becker


“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”

            ~ Democritus


“Out of clutter, find simplicity.   From discord, find harmony.  In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

            ~ Albert Einstein


Letting go of ‘things/stuff’ is a different kind of change!  I’m moving!  A big change, out of my control and not my choice but I have chosen to embrace the change and wrap my arms around it.  I began to feel that letting go would have some very important life moments.

Many of us have too much ‘stuff.’  And many of us get frozen in our ability to let go.  Letting go takes time and patience with ourselves and the realization that our possessions do not define us, and they may have been holding us down for a long time.  When confronted with a change, often out of our control, we can recognize it is a new start.  A new start is a chance to clear your mind, your closets, your cupboards, and find a new sense of calm.  An opportunity to rid yourself of ‘stuff’ that no longer serves a purpose in your life.

Letting go of possessions is a found opportunity to be kind, generous, willing to share, inspired, as you move ‘stuff’ out of your way.  All I’m suggesting is that the opportunity to embrace change and make it work for you is a wonderland of renewal!


Written by:  Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Image Copyright:  CCO, www.rawpixel.com

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