BMG ventures beyond the framework of a traditional consulting firm in that we consider ourselves a resource network that is passionate about helping our clientele reach their goals. We work collaboratively to engage with others and transfer knowledge in a meaningful, customized and sustainable way. We are committed to the principles of diversity, social development and to building stronger communities.

Aspiring to make a meaningful difference by working together!

Skilled Newcomer Career Fair

We are looking for employers and companies who want to hire talented professionals! Organizing an in-person speed networking/career fair where you can meet some fantastic candidates! Please see the flyer and use the QR code to register to attend! Contact us for more information.

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Our Latest News

June is Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! Let us celebrate peace, love, diversity, inclusion, and the freedom to be ourselves. Live with pride, and…
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June 20th is World Refugee Day

June 20th is World Refugee Day, and this year’s theme is to demonstrate solidarity with refugees. Let us come together to show our support for refugees fleeing conflict and persecution.

BMG values corporate social responsibility and is a proud sponsor and partner in the Canadians and Refugees Building Bridges Together project. We believe that corporate social responsibility entails working together to create caring communities for the future. Refugees are entitled to dignity, respect, and freedom.

Let’s make this world peaceful and respectful for everyone, and remember that the refugee situation was “Never My Choice.

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Our Latest Blog

Make and Unmake Yourself

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”             ~ Maya Angelou…
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The Summer Weather

“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.”             ~ L.…
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A Different Kind of Change

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingle of letting go and holding on.”             ~ Havelock Ellis…
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What’s new about our blog, publications and job postings

BMG Statement on 215 Indigenous Children

Truth and Reconciliation

We understand that reconciliation is a process that requires us to be cognizant of the history and impacts of colonization on Canada’s First People. We commit to working towards truth, justice, forgiveness, healing and reparation. Barnes Management Group (BMG) has worked alongside Indigenous leadership, organizations and communities for twenty years. We have always believed the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) was an excellent framework for reconciliation and applied the principles in our practice approach. Our engagement is always based on respectful relationship building and ensuring prior consent and ownership of information is with the Indigenous community or organization.

Click here to view the statement

Black Lives Matter

Barnes Management Group are saddened by the events that have led up to the protests across the United States and the world. We wish to express our sympathy and support to people of colour, and we want to acknowledge that racism exists.

Like many people across Canada, the United States and the world, Barnes Management Group is appalled at the systemic anti-Black racism, inequality and police brutality on display in 2020. We recognize that this issue has been going on for hundreds of years, and is only more visible today because of technology.

Barnes Management Group stands with Black Lives Matter, the Black Canadian community and Black lives across the globe. We will continue our mission to improve quality of service and capacity for services in vulnerable and underserved communities across Canada. We will use our voice, not to speak for these communities, but to amplify their voices. We will continue to listen, and we will continue to learn.

We will continually work to build upon and strengthen the equity framework from which we conduct all our work. We commit to learn more about Black History within the context of slavery, segregation and exclusion in Canadian Society at all levels, and the impacts this continues to have on the social, economic and cultural lives of Black Men, Women, Youth, the LGBTQ+ community and the Black community as a whole. We will commit to speaking out about injustice and racial violence. Although we are proud of our work to integrate equity and anti-racism, it is not enough. We will deepen our listening, we will learn, and because of this we will be better.

We will and we must be better because Black Lives Matter, and are dependent on the final arrival of racial equity.

To read our full statement please click here.

Barnes Management Group’s head office in Toronto (TKARONTO)* sits on the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudensaunec and the Wendat peoples’ and is home to diverse First Nation, Inuit and Metis people from afar.
*(John Steckley, Toronto Historical Board 1992)