Black Lives Matter
Barnes Management Group are saddened by the events that have led up to the protests across the United States and the world. We wish to express our sympathy and support to people of colour, and we want to acknowledge that racism exists.
Like many people across Canada, the United States and the world, Barnes Management Group is appalled at the systemic anti-Black racism, inequality and police brutality on display in 2020. We recognize that this issue has been going on for hundreds of years, and is only more visible today because of technology.
Barnes Management Group stands with Black Lives Matter, the Black Canadian community and Black lives across the globe. We will continue our mission to improve quality of service and capacity for services in vulnerable and underserved communities across Canada. We will use our voice, not to speak for these communities, but to amplify their voices. We will continue to listen, and we will continue to learn.
We will continually work to build upon and strengthen the equity framework from which we conduct all our work. We commit to learn more about Black History within the context of slavery, segregation and exclusion in Canadian Society at all levels, and the impacts this continues to have on the social, economic and cultural lives of Black Men, Women, Youth, the LGBTQ+ community and the Black community as a whole. We will commit to speaking out about injustice and racial violence. Although we are proud of our work to integrate equity and anti-racism, it is not enough. We will deepen our listening, we will learn, and because of this we will be better.
We will and we must be better because Black Lives Matter, and are dependent on the final arrival of racial equity.
To read our full statement please click here.