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“When in doubt, choose change.

            ~ Lily Leung


“Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.”

            ~ Pauline R. Kezer


“The reality is that the only way change comes is when you lead by example.”

            ~ Anne Wojcicki


“Change cannot be put on people.  The best way to instill change is to do it with them.   Create it with them.”

            ~ Lisa Bodell


Moving into September makes me abundantly aware of change.  I am busy turning the seasonal pages as I settle from my lake adventure and I am pleasantly reminded of my will to change with the world around me.  I’m okay with change.   I’ve accepted the inevitability of it and able to see the opportunities in it.

The acceptance of change, in a leadership role, is crucial to the management of change. I can’t stress enough that a strong commitment to people and how you treat them will be key to a successful change process. Your own personal resilience and follow through will build the much needed trust of those around you.

Change management is definitely a leadership responsibly, but you don’t need to go it alone.   Seeking support is your first step in showing your acceptance of change.   Lead by example and make sure you check out BMG’s experience and expertise to co-create your change process.


Written by

Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant


Photo Copyright:  Matic Stojs, www.123rf.com

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