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“When we are in the midst of chaos, let go of the need to control it.”

~ Lee Babanta


“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.”

~ Donna Karan


“Within the chaos, magic is found.”

~Tara Gerris


“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche


I am in the midst of construction chaos in my small home!   And rather than miss the presenting opportunity I choose to grab it and weave a message.  In most of the organizations I lead there was a constant element of chaos.  Things and people displaced, scattered process, broken communication, good intentions misplaced, clients forgotten, mission askew and often an absence of shared leadership!

I always saw this as an opportunity for magic!   A new beginning!   I embraced the chance to find the calm and put good use to the positive energy of chaos.  When you take that energy and place the found knowledge into conscious clear thought you find a gift.  Clarity!  And when you clear a pathway the possibilities are endless.

Value the power of conscious, clear thought and wisdom found in chaos!   When you lead in this manner, your composure and willingness to embrace past and present, will encourage trust to emerge.   Not only will you invest in the magic so will everyone else!


Written by Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

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