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“Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem.”

            ~ Virginia Satir


“It’s an act of bravery to feel your feelings.”

            ~ Gayle Forman


“There is a future version of me who’s proud I was strong enough.”

            ~ Khanos


“Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.”

            ~ Lalah Delia


Like anyone, I have had my share of difficult times.  None of us get through life without challenges that make it hard to cope.  I know I have a well packed bag of coping mechanisms but despite all that knowledge and learned experience, I am struggling today!

It doesn’t mean I can’t see my way through.  But it does mean I must gather myself and draw on my past ability to cope.  We all struggle to cope at one point or another, we all experience a range of emotions during difficult times.  Not coping is common and normal and it is okay to not be okay.  Struggling to cope looks different for everyone.  It’s okay for me to reach out and speak my truth!  Opening up to my struggle reminds me to make time for myself, spend time with people, trust people, and trust myself!  Share your story if you are struggling to cope.


“Leaving things behind and starting again is a way of coping with difficulties.  I learnt very early in my life that I was able to leave a place and still remain myself.”

                        ~ Rachel Cusk


Written by:  Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Image Copyright:  CCO, www.rawpixel.com

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