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Mian Samair

Manager, Marketing & IT / Project Development Manager CRBBT


Mian Samair is a dynamic leader and Newcomer advocate with 20+ years of global experience in different sectors including Non-profit, Immigration, Settlement, Media and Consultancy. Currently, as a Manager of Marketing and IT for Barnes Management Group, Mian is dedicated to establishing a brand that stands out with a difference and unique purpose. With his expertise in strategic marketing, digital campaigns, content marketing, storytelling and brand positioning, Mian plays a key role in shaping a unique brand identity that not only connects with audiences on a deeper level but also helps in building meaningful partnerships with community and like-minded organizations. Mian is also in charge of managing various social media platforms across all BMG subsidiaries, associate profiling, interviews, newsletters, student supervision, and representing BMG at various events. In addition, Mian provides advice and oversight to BMG’s IT department to ensure that it is in line with BMG’s core values and objectives when it comes to marketing and portraying BMG in a digital world as a storefront.

Mian also leads CRBBT (Canadians and Refugees Building Bridges Together), a BMG’s corporate social responsibility project in which we are trying to build caring communities, by establishing a human bridge, and ensuring a successful and meaningful integration for refugees/newcomers as they settle into their new lives in Canada. As a newcomer advocate, Mian aims to improve people’s lives by elevating their voices through capacity building and helping them effectively integrate into Canadian society. Mian is also passionate about local community initiatives, and he is currently involved with the East Toronto community as an advisor for ETHP (East Toronto Health Partners). Mian has previously hosted more than 20 TV shows on immigration and settlement on Voice of Toronto Television.

Mian holds a Master’s degree in Sociology, a PGD in Canadian Immigration and Refugee law, and a specialization in Digital Marketing Management from the University of Toronto. Also, he is a member in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants.