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Moments of Bliss!


“Today is one of your millions of moments of bliss.”

            ~ Kimberley Blaine


“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.”

            ~ Unknown


“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

            ~ Joshua J. Marine


“The philosophy of life is this: Life is not a struggle, not a tension… Life is bliss. It is eternal wisdom, eternal existence.”

            ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


I’m enjoying my last days at ‘the cottage.’  Moments of bliss come to mind as I feel the wind, hear the waves, enjoy my coffee, and realize how blissful my days are.

I encourage all of us to recall and live the blissful moments in our work life as well.   For me it was easier, in early days, to be suspicious of the lulls in challenges and strife.  However, I learned, with maturity, that the blissful moments were an accomplishment of my leadership.   The blissful moments then became moments of celebration for work well done and for work yet to come.

The most interesting challenges, for me, resulted in the most bliss if I was open to it.  The blissful moments became the space to think future and make positive outcomes possible.  I encourage all of us to embrace our moments of bliss and if that embrace gives space to a project looking for a positive partnership, why not call BMG and engage our experience and expertise?


Written by

Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant


Photo Copyright:  Yotrak Butda, www.123rf.com

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