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New Places, New People


“I collect memories. I look for opportunities to try new things, go to new places, and meet new people all the time.”

            ~ Marcel Wanders


“You have to try different things, meet different people, and travel to new places in order to grow.”

            ~ Kunal Kapoor


“Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or do.  Life is beautiful because of the people we meet.”

            ~ Simon Sinek


“Meeting new people is like adding different colors to your palette, making life’s canvas more vibrant and beautiful.”

            ~ Unknown


New place and new people come with adventure.  Often a time to see beyond self and gain new understanding in our own world and beyond the boundaries of the paths we walk today.  Meeting people, in new places, is to find new life experiences that teach us world views, that broadens our possibilities, allow us to experience new things and gives us the opportunity to teach others.

New places and new people are import to our mental health.  Taking a break away from the stress of everyday life can further enhance our well-being.  New adventures, big or small, help us to learn from others, appreciate our differences, gain new perspectives, and expand our wisdoms of life.  Be curious, be adventurous, enrich your life in new places and with new people.


“New places always help us look at life differently.”

            ~ Joan Bauer


Written by:  Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Image Copyright:  CCO, www.rawpixel.com

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