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Weirdly Wonderful?


“Really not a fan of today’s uninvited gusts.”

“Our destiny is mitten in the stars!”

“This is sun-believable!”

“The arrival of sunshine is a bit of a mist-ery to me!”

“I drought we will see any rain.”

“Feeling pretty upset about this foggy weather.  You could say that I am a pessi-mist.”

            ~ Weather captions by Heidi Butler, Love to Know


I have heard myself, throughout this winter season, referring to the weather as weirdly wonderful!  Only one day with a snowy drive, no snow days, more recently I threw on a spring jacket, opened the car sunroof and walked on a dry trail by the lake!  Weirdly Wonderful?  Despite my positive reflections, the weather days are hugely unsettling.

Weather changes that seem far beyond our human control.  And distinctly unsettling for the weather days ahead and the climate changes for Mother Earth.


“As cheesy as it sounds, truly every day is Earth Day.”

            ~ Ashlan Gorse Cousteau


Written by:  Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Image Copyright:  CCO, www.rawpixel.com



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