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When you question your own commitment!


“If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences.”

~ Criss Jami, Killosophy


“Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose – and commit myself to – what is best for me.”

~ Paulo Coelho, The Zahir


The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.

~ Tony Robbins


Does anybody really think that they didn’t get what they had because they didn’t have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?

~ Nelson Mandela


“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.”

~ Barack Obama


Have you enjoyed the peek at spring in the past few days? Has the change in weather got you thinking of things that are just not sitting well?  For example: I made a commitment to walking, everyday, a commitment to myself. I wore out my first good pair of walking shoes, took me a year, walking an average of 11,000 steps a day, often more, an average of 30 plus miles a week, between 1500 & 2000 miles in a year! Wow! I had not written that down before. It’s even more amazing, to me, in print. However, in the doom and gloom of winter, I was finding it difficult to push myself out the door and keep my commitment! Had my commitment changed?

With a peek at spring, pushing my thoughts, I can tell you that my commitment has not changed!   It was so easy to push out the door!  It was the weather. I pass on this important lesson and reminder!

Look around when something is not sitting well. Don’t immediately mistrust yourself and your commitment. Remember ‘why’ you made the commitment. You had the guts to make a commitment, you have no limits to your imagination, you are leading important change with strength. Professional or personal, a commitment ends with the better good and with the making of a better world.


Written by Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Photo Copyright: Stepan Gojda, 123rf

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