“When we are in the midst of chaos, let go of the need to control it.”
~ Lee Babanta
“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.”
~ Donna Karan
“Within the chaos, magic is found.”
~ Tara Gerris
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
Rules change, new rules emerge, directions are foggy, information is confusing, new decisions are constant! And rather than miss this presenting opportunity we can choose to grab it. The woven message in most things is that there is a constant element of chaos.
Is this an opportunity for magic? A new beginning! An opportunity to embrace an opening to find the calm and put good use to the positive energy of chaos. When you take that energy and place the found knowledge into conscious thought you find a gift. Clarity! And when you clear a pathway, the possibilities are endless.
Value the power of conscious, clear thought and the wisdom found in chaos! When you welcome your composure and willingness to embrace past and present, you can trust yourself to emerge through the chaos.
Written by: Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant
Photo copyright: www.rawpixel.com