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“In matters of healing the body or the mind, vacation is the true genius!”

            ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan


“We travel not to escape life, but for life to not escape us.”

            ~ Anonymous


“Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before.”

            ~ Dalai Lama


“Jobs fill your pockets; adventures fill your soul.”

            ~ Jamie Lyn Beatty


Sometimes it’s obvious that you need a break and sometimes not so much.   Everyone needs a break from time to time for a million different reasons.  It’s important to pause from routine and usual demands.  A getaway, long and lush or short and sweet, is all about taking care of yourself.  No better time than the lazy days of summer.  Taking care of yourself is the means to feel refreshed and restored.  It’s all about rest and relaxation!  Plan a purposeful getaway to replenish your soul, clear your mind, and reduce your stress.  And at the very least, find the time to recognize when you need to take a break.


“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free.  Don’t miss so many of them.”

            ~ Jo Walton


Written by:  Deborah Lavender, BMG Senior Consultant

Image Copyright:  CCO, www.rawpixel.com

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