Hi! My name is Kasia Bialczyk and I am a dedicated mental health professional, currently completing an internship at Barnes Management Group. The BMG internship is a culminating point in my pursuit of the Master of Social Work degree at the University of Windsor. When I reflect on my journey that led me to the field of social work, I think of my grandmother who instilled in me the passion for social justice, values of equity and fairness, and a desire to impact a positive social change. This passion and values have guided my educational and professional choices. After obtaining a diploma in Early Childhood Education and an Honour Degree in Early Years Studies, I spent many years working in the field of early education and care, teaching, providing resource consultation, as well as mentorship and professional development for early childhood professionals. After a decade in the early years sector, I moved into the field of children’s mental health, focussing on mental health and behavioural consultation, inclusive education, early identification and intervention, and subsequently wraparound facilitation.

After my extensive experience in direct practice, I am very excited to shift my focus into macro level social work. I have previously completed a research practicum, working as a research assistant supporting child welfare research projects. This was a great foundation for my current placement at BMG. I feel honoured to work alongside the BMG associates and my peers on projects that aim to address gaps in service provision, across systems and sectors, and impact policy development and social advocacy efforts, thus contributing to a meaningful change on individual, community, and societal levels. At BMG, I feel inspired by the shared values and everyone’s commitment to be the agents of social change. My future career plansand interest evolved around research, program development, and policy analysis.

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