Blogger, Former Executive Director, Violence Against Women, Health, Social and Community Services, Criminal Justice

Deborah demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the betterment of others as the guiding principle behind almost everything she does.
Her personal mantra is that it matters not what you do, but rather how you do it!
With this in mind, Deborah always approaches projects with the intent of remaining true to herself, her core values and her beliefs in philanthropy, fairness and helping others, alongside like-hearted people.
Both prior to and following her retirement, Deborah’s passion for helping others has energized and inspired her to exchange wisdom with her colleagues and those that she engages with on projects.
Her past clients would likely describe her as kind and genuine, but above all else, as willing and excited to share knowledge and other forms of practical guidance.
Deborah constantly aims to help find resourceful, creative and resilient solutions to problems.
In today’s day and age, Deborah believes that we are rarely presented with situations that are not improved by learning through and learning with other people. This seemingly underscores the importance of maintaining networks and working collaboratively.