BlogWelcome September4 years ago“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.”…
BlogBalance4 years ago“Balance is the process of holding something(s) steady during change.” ~ Mindy Bacharach“Learn from yesterday,…
BlogNourishment!5 years ago“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room…
BlogCuriosity5 years ago“Enjoy every step you take. If you’re curious, there is always something new to be discovered in the backdrop of…
BlogPerspective5 years ago“We can always choose to perceive things differently. We can focus on what’s wrong in our life, or we can…
BlogFind a Reason to Smile!5 years ago“A simple smile. That’s the start of opening our heart and being compassionate to others.” …
BlogWhat’s Different Today!5 years ago“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” …
BlogFind the Bright Side!5 years ago“Once in a while you have to take a break and visit yourself.” ~…
BlogLeadership Within a COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter World – Do the times make the leader or do the leaders shape the times?5 years agoBy Janice Dusek, CEO, JD & Associates and BMG Associate We know that the corona virus disruption and the Black…
BlogAfter the Storm!5 years ago“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You…